I perceive from my blood
research that the blood is the basic material of which the human body is
continually being created or formed. As is the blood, so is the body. Why?
Because body cells are created from blood. Continuing with this thought, i also
perceive. so is the body, so is the brain. And, as is the brain, so is the
quality of thought. As a man or woman buildeth, so he or she. And as a man or
woman thinketh, so he or she IS.
Solomon's temple is an
allegory of man or woman's temple -- the human Body. This house is built
without a sound of saw or hammer, and the quality of the temple is dependent
one puts into it. The saying ''you are what you eat'' or ''you are what you
think'' is at the foundation of organized matter.
Your bodies are the temple
of the living God. But man, blinded by selfishness and pride, searches here and
there. Scours the heaven with his telescope, dig deep into the earth, and dives
into the ocean's depth, in a vain search for the ''Elixir of life'' that maybe
found between the sole of his feet and the crown of his head. Our human body is
a miracle of organization. No work of man can compare with it in accuracy of
its process and simplicity of its law. This law is the law of the universe, the
law of opposites or opposition.
As i perceive the complexity
of the human body i realize this: at maturity, the human skeleton contains
about 165 bones, so delicately and perfectly adjusted. The muscle are about 500
in number. The length of the alimentary canal is 32 feet. the amount of blood
in an average adult is 5 Liters weighing over 30 pounds or one-fifth of the
total body weight. The Heart is six inches in length and four inches in
diameter, and beat seventy times per minute, 4200 times per hour, 100,800 per
day and 36,720000 per year. At each beat, two and one-half ounces of blood are
thrown out of it, 175 ounces per minute 656 pounds per hour, or about 8 tons
per day.
All the blood in the body passes
through the heart every three minutes. and during seventy years it lifts
270,000,000 tons of blood. The lungs contain about one gallon of air their
usual degree of inflation. We breaths on a average, 1200 breaths per hour ans
inhale 600 gallons of air, or 24,000 gallons daily.
The aggregate surface of
air-cells of the lungs exceeds 20,000 square inches, an area nearly equal to
that of a room twelve feet square. The average weight of the brain of an adult
is three pounds, eight ounces. The average female brain is two pounds, four ounces.
The convolutions of a woman's brain cells and tissues are finer and more delicate in fiber and mechanism, which
evidently account for the intuition of women. It would appear that the
difference in the convolutions and fineness of tissue in the brain matter is
responsible for the degree of consciousness called reason and intuition.
The nerves are all
connected with the brain directly, or by the spinal marrow, but nerves receive
their sustenace from the blood, and their motive power from the solar plexus
dynamic. The nerves, together with the branches and minute ramifications,
probably exceed ten million in numbers.
The skin is composed of
three layers, varies from one-eight to one quarter of an inch in thickness. The
average area of skin is estimated to be about 2,000 square inche. The
atmospheric pressure, being fourteen pounds to the square inch, a person of
medium size is subject to a pressure of 40,000 pounds. Each square inch of skin
contains 3,500 sweat tubes, or perspiration pores ( each of which may be
likened to a little drain tile) one-fourth of an inch in length, making an
aggregate length of the entire surface of the body 201,166 feet, or a tube for
draining the body nearly forty miles in length.
Our body takes in an
average of five and a half pounds of food and drink each day, which amounts to
tone ton of solid and liquid nourishment annually. So in seventy years a man or
a woman eats and drinks 1000 times his or her weight.
There is not know in all
the realms of architecture or mechanics one little device, which is not found
in the human organism. the pulley, the lever, the inclined plane, the hinge,
the ''tube and tap-doors, the scissors. grindstone, whip, arch, girders,
filters, valves, bellows, pump, camera, harp, irrigation plant, telegraph and
telephone system. All theses and a hundred other devices which man thinks he
has invented, but which have only been telegraphed to the brain from the solar plexus and crudely
copied or manifested on the objective canvas.
No water on earth is so
complete or so populous as that wonderful river of life, the blood stream.
It has been said that ''all
road lead to Rome.'' I have discovered that all road of real knowledge lead to
the river of life -- the blood. The blood is an epitome of the universe. When
man turns the mighty searching's of reason and investigation within the river
of life, a new heaven and will appear.
While it is true that all
body cells are made by the transmutation of blood. It is also true that blood
is made from the food we eat and the liquid that we drink. Air breathed into
the lungs enters into the arteries and chemically unites with the cell salt and
living anatomical elements, and by a wonderful transmutation creates flesh,
bone, muscle, nerves, organs, nails, etc.
The quality of the food we
eat and the liquid we drink determine the quality of blood. As is the blood, so
is the body, So is the body, so is the brain. As is the brain, so is the
quality of thought. As a man or woman buildeth, so is he or she.
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